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3 想学NX英语的朋友
1 英文版的CAST采用的学习方式通俗易懂,通过实例来讲解NX的命令,是一套非常不错的学习资料。
2 下文中,如遇到您不认识的单词可利用辅助工具(如:金山词霸、google语言,有道工具等)查一下,在本套教程中只给出整个句子的意思,单词含义不做详细介绍。
第一章 NX基础知识
Getting started with NX(启动NX)
In this lesson, you will:(在本节课中,您将学到)
Open, close, and save part files.(打开、关闭以及保存部件的操作)
Use Roles.(使用角色)
Create new part files.(新建部件)
Explore the NX user interface.(了解NX的用户界面)
End the NX session.(退出NX)
1.1 NX Overview (NX预览)
In this part of the lesson, you will:(在这节课中,您将学到)
Identify the various NX applications.(认识不同的NX模块)
Explore components of the NX main window.(了解NX的主要窗口)
Open, close, and reopen selected parts.(打开、关闭和重新打开部件)
Change the displayed part.(切换窗口)
1.1.1 Gateway application(基本环境模块)
Tools in NX are grouped into a series of applications that support different major workflows, including creating geometry, building an assembly, or producing a drawing.(根据不同的工作需求,NX由一系列不同的模块,例如:创建几何体、构造装配体和生成工程图等模块)
When you first start NX, you will start in the Gateway application.(当你第一次打开NX的时候,你进入的是NX的基本环境模块)
In the Gateway application, you can:(在这个模块中,你可以)
Create a new part.(创建部件)
Open files.(打开文件)
Select applications.(选择应用模块)
View the contents of files.(查看部件文件)
Use simple analysis tools, like measuring distance.(使用一些简单的分析工具,例如测量部件的距离)
Gateway allows you to review existing parts. You must start another application, such as Modeling, to create or edit objects within a part.
1.1.2 NX applications(NX应用模块)
NX functions are divided into applications of common capabilities:(NX常用模块:)
Gateway lets you open part files and do some basic manipulations.
Modeling lets you create solid models, surfaces and curves.
Drafting lets you create drawings of solids. You can also utilize surface and curve options.
Assemblies lets you assemble individual solid models, surfaces and curves into a large representation.
Manufacturing lets you create the programs for NC machines to cut out solids, surfaces and curves.
The Start menu, located on the Standard toolbar, provides direct access to all of the NX applications.
开始菜单“start”,位于标准工具栏(standard toolbar)上,从这里我们可以直接进入我们需要的NX模块
Foundation applications are listed at the top-level, while more advanced applications can be found under the All Applications cascade.
在开始菜单下列出了NX的几个常用的模块,我们也可以选择所有的应用模块(All Applications)来查看更多的NX模块。
Your specific list of available applications may differ depending on the licenses that you have purchased.
This course covers the basic Gateway functions.
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